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Councillor Darragh BUTLER




Fingal County Council

County Hall, Main Street, Swords

County Dublin

K67 X8Y2

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Hello! I'm Darragh

Councillor Darragh BUTLER lives in Swords and is married with two young children.  Darragh was co-opted to Fingal County Council in June 2007 as a replacement Councillor for Michael KENNEDY and won re-election in 2009, 2014 and 2019.  Darragh is widely recognised as one of the hardest working local Councillors, with a proven track record second to none.  Darragh remains committed to continuing the battle for Metro Link and for improved public transport infrastructure, improved Bus Services and Bus Connections.  Darragh continues to support the restoration of Swords Castle and the development of the Swords Cultural Quarter (including Theatre, Library, Community and performance and art spaces).  Other priorities include continuing the fight for additional Garda resources; continuing the fight for the provision of additional schools and school places; continue to support the increased supply of Affordable and Social Housing; continue to fight for the provision of proper Broadband services for rural Fingal; continue working with local groups for additional and improved Community & Sporting facilities; continue to support policies that promote Fingal for Enterprise and Job Creation; working for a Swords Heritage Trail and Ward River and Broadmeadow River walkways and greenway connections.

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Election History


June 2007

Swords Constituency


June 2009

Swords Constituency


June 2014

Swords Constituency


June 2019


Swords Constituency

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